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Group Ride Etique

    A few years ago I was trying to resolve a new rider issue we ran across as we saw a surge in new riders.  A few of the new riders created a unsafe issue in front of the pack and one led to a pretty big wreck that resulted in a few broken bones and bikes.  So instead of harping and calling people out, I tried to resolve issues by holding a few rider clinics aimed at road group riding.  That led to me posting cliff notes of the event to Facebook.  That led to it being posted to Reddit, I never saw the thread as I am not on that social media forum.  Evidently it was well received.  So today I am going to revisit it to the best of my memory. 

    The following is generic advice and is not all inclusive, but is intended to get you through your first rides with a new to you group.  (SAFETY IS PARAMOUNT)

1. Show up to the ride a few minutes early, and be ready to go at the stated time.  

2. Refrain from audio devices, do not ride with ear buds, speakers, or bone conduction head phones.  Some groups like to chat, some groups like to point or use hand signals, some groups shout commands.  Wait till you are immersed in the group, to start doing things like that.  At first, be boring, people are watching you.

3. Refrain from distractions like piloting drones, using your phone, selfies, and etc. Yes the drone has happened.  I stopped going to a group ride because of a person using a drone during the ride.  

4. There is always a group/ride leader, know who it is.

5. If you do not like the route, start time, etc, keep it to yourself or do not attend.  

6. If it is your first time, ride to your ability and if you are a fast person, stay mid pack and do not go to the front.  No one likes the new guy showing off, and that is how it will be seen.  Wait till ride three or so before giving it the business.  Again, you are being watched and cyclist have sensitive egos.  Unless it is a windy AF day, and you do the mule work upfront to their pace, you won't be a hero.  Let them take the KOMs down at first.  

7. Chat with the ride leader on how the peloton works, understand how pulling works within the group.  An example where I ride it on Tuesday, everyone rotates, Wednesday we ride a wheel till it blows.  Those are the ride dynamics.

8. Do not use your breaks within the peloton, flair your legs, flair your arms out to decrease speed.   Puff your chest, sit up, get on the hoods, do what it takes to create drag to slow down.  If you need to brake, do it slowly. Yes sudden stops happen.  Be ready for that, and always have an exit plan.  For me it is 45 egress to the shoulder and risk the culvert.  

9.  Try not to coast within the peloton.  Coasting leads to a surging peloton, try to soft pedal and keep the rear hub engaged at all times, so when the front goes, you are not delayed much and smoothly pull off with them.  

10.  Center your self to a side of a wheel.  This is to provide consistency for the rider behind you and in front of you.  I tend to like to the right side of the wheel in front of me.  I like to stay centered and to two to threes to the right of the wheel.  This helps for wheel overlapping which is not ideal, but until you get the hang of the ride I suggest this.

11.  The person pulling determines the line.  The second person needs to call out dangers.  Puller pull and bury that needle.  Ideally the puller does it all, but if they are burying the needle, one can be forgiven for not catching all the issues.

12.  If you are not going to pull, announce it in the rotation, and stay out of the rotation.  You need to announce to every rider in the rotation, this helps to keep it clean and lessens confusion.  

13.  Know the rules of the ride before you arrive, a lot of what I have discussed may be irrelevant to you and that ride may do something else.  If that is the case, ignore me.

14.  The Puller should be choosing the safest lines, in short, do not complain about their position for your lack of optimum draft experience, be happy with the draft you get.  You may be on a busy road and they are riding the white line or shoulder and the wind is not favorable to do that.  Do not tell them to move over.

15.  Do not be a sour puss.  Do not talk about how great you are, let your Strava profile do that.  If you get in a chat, do not talk about your riding accomplishments at first.  Again this is a fragile ego group and that will be seen as boasting.  I screw this one up all the time, so yeah.  

Update: 16.  Use plastic water bottles and avoid metal ones.  If one pops out, you will give someone a bad day.


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