social media following. I am not one to make something bigger than it is, of the best of the best. I just
want simplicity, put a date, time, location out and see what occurs. Mark did a great recap of the ride, and I am sure if you are reading this blog. You probably read Mark's and you read his re-cap. Since then, Mark and I have launched another podcast, I believe episode #96, by end of the month I hope we have #99 recorded, but that is if we have viable stuff to chat about. That should cover Riding Gravel Radio Ranch podcast. So far, I need to be more crisp on my responses and thoughts. You are getting my hot takes on what Guitar Ted (Mark) brings up. I do not see his sheets or notes prior to the show. So I read his blog, because that should give me an idea of what he wants to cover.
I did a two week vacation back in Western New York. I rode a lot of road. Throwing in sections of gravel I could find. My Girlfriend Morgan did her first adult organized ride with me on a 50 mile loop that was part of the Tour De Perry. Morgan did really well, and I need to make some upgrades to her Stigmata to help with road riding. Here in Iowa running a 1X11 set up with
a 40T front is ideal. Western New York hills, I am thinking I need to make her a AXS Rival/GX Mullet set up. Giving here a 50 or 52T bailout gear would of helped her out a lot.
On a personal note: I road my first 100 mile ride in Western New York. To be honest it smoked my legs, but I am a better climber now. I left my dad's house before 6am, and traversed up and down a hillside of Covington, over to Perry. From Perry I went into Silver Springs, Castile, then Portageville. From the gas station Portageville, I went south on Route 19A, into Casendea, and then looped around Rushford lake. I got back on 19 again and then crossed the Genesee River and took a river road back across into Fillmore. Again I stopped for a gas station and carried on up and out of Fillmore on a gravel road and popped out on a 10-20 Acre solar farm. I then descended into Wiscoy and snapped a picture of the Waterfalls. Then climbed a 15% grade out, and over to Lamont, then Gainesville. Gainesville was my final fueling stop. I snuck over to the village park and drank two pops. I then finished it off with passing through Warsaw, Wyoming & Pear Creek. It was a good ride, and my 1st hundie on the year. In fact, I think my first hundie in two years.
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